, <port-arm@NetBSD.org>
From: Jongwoo Han <jongwooh@gmail.com>
List: port-arm
Date: 02/11/2005 16:23:57
> Hello ARM experts!
> IS there a reasonable chance of getting BDS running on a Viewsonic Viewpad
> 100? It is reasonably rare beast but a very capable one still.
> It's basic stats:
> Processor 206MHz Intel® StrongARM® SA-1110
> Operating System Microsoft Windows CE 3.0™
> Memory Flash 32MB
> Uses CF media for flash (32MB).
> I think the early version I have runs an older CE (but who cares).
> Has USB/LAN/IR/PCMCIA and lots of other goodies.
> http://www.viewsonic.com/support/mobilewireless/superpda/viewpad100/
> Give me a hint if its worth my while?
> Alex
There is ARM ports of NetBSD, and what is close to your machine looks like
hpcarm port(Handhelp PC port). Yet it is known to be working on only HP
Jornada 710 or 540. I think you need to write framebuffer drivers and other
device drivers, since the Viewsonic HPC is proprietary device.