Subject: Re: NetBSD support PXA255?
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-arm
Date: 04/02/2005 21:19:17
Keichii Moto writes:
> I took a look at NetBSD lubbock and g42xxeb code,
> the entry and load addresses are 0xa0200000, and the
> virtual address is 0xc0200000. I loaded netbsd.bin at
> 0xa0200000, and go 0xc0200000, I saw the data abot
> message on u-boot. Did I miss something? Thanks.
Yes you did.
To make "go 0xc020000" work MMU has to prepare
RAM paddr 0xa000.0000 to vaddr 0xc000.0000.
I suggest to track how address space is crafted
(changed) before setttb() is called.
Beware, please. evbarm code is biased to redboot.
Toru Nishimura/ALKYL Technology