Subject: Re: OMAP _almost_ builds at tip of tree now.
To: None <>
From: Bucky Katz <>
List: port-arm
Date: 02/20/2007 13:21:44
Allen Briggs <> writes:

> On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 10:40:34AM -0800, Bucky Katz wrote:
>> It builds.  It fails to run. NFS gets _very_ confused.
> Can you be more specific?

Sorry, the intarweb ghods chopped me off before i finished that, and I
didn't mean to post it.

I'll have to get back to it tonight and get a detailed explanation and
better information.  As a preview:

I've got a TS7200 that gets its kernel via tftp and NFS mounts root.

I've built tip'o'tree and installed that as the NFS root directory for
the device.

Kernel fetches fine, starts up, and attempts to go multiuser.

At that point, a number of "Can't execute /usr/bin/MUMBLE" messages
are posted followed by which the device locks up completely.

That's not enough info to debug on, which is why I thought I'd deleted
the post. I'll look into it some more late tonight and post something