Andy Ruhl wrote:
Dude! Welcome to the club. I know now that at least three people have booted NetBSD on their Slug. Not quite the NSLU2-Linux numbers, but we'll make up in quality what we lack in quantity.NetBSD 5.99.5 (NSLU2_ALL) #0: Fri Feb 20 21:28:43 MST 2009 andy@foghorn:/home/andy/src/netbsd/src-20081215/obj-nslu2/sys/arch/evbar m/compile/NSLU2_ALL
That's pretty straightforward. Just fdisk/format the USB card and unzip the files in rel/evbarm/evbarm/sets. Though I confess, I always have problems with the fdisk part.Anyway, it's running. Now I need to get it onto an 8 gig SD USB cardand go from there.
Part of the problem is that Redboot doesn't automatically try to tftp anything in, at least as far as I know.I think I need to keep booting from tftp, but I'd like to be able to automate that somehow, maybe with expect from the tftp server machine.
Regards, Don