On 04/05/14 11:11, Max Khardin wrote:
FYI, current gzimg of netbsd for rpi from http://nyftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/201404031300Z/evbarm-earmhf/ is unable to boot, it goes into inifite loop writing fixup: pm 0xc19579e0, va 0xbfffc000, ftype 2 - nothing to do! fixup: l2 0xc1537e78, l2b 0xc1537f30, ptep 0xc152fff0, pte 0x1bc84ffe fixup: pdep 0xc0552ffc, pde 0x1bfcec31, fsr 0x817 to serial console.
I changed my mind about having the hack in tree, but if you make sure you have
sys/arch/arm/include/arm32/param.h:1.22 you should get a working RPI kernel. A proper fix is being worked on. Nick