2016-11-22 15:12 GMT+02:00 Yuqing.Guo.HCH <hchguoyq%yahoo.co.jp@localhost>:
Hi all,
I am looking for documents of NetBSD on aarch64,
and I found this.
It seems that aarch64 is not supported by NetBSD by now.
Is it true?
It was true back in august, probably the same now:
It seems Matt Thomas has a private tree with aarch64 support, but
since he's a consultant he is waiting for compensation for this.
And I found that, FreeBSD now supports some boards, and will support aarch64
with Tier1.
Have you managed to do any builds of FreeBSD? I am trying to set up a
virtual machine to install FreeBSD amd64 so I can use it for cross
compiling FreeBSD arm64 since I only have Linux hosts, but I woudl
prefer NetBSD due to the strong cross compiling support, even accros
alien OS-es.
But what is the status of NetBSD?
Can someone give me some information of NetBSD/aarch64?
Thank you.
Best regards.
kaku, 2016/11/22