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Re: NetBSD 6.0 and earmv7hf

> Does a static binary from NetBSD-6 /rescue work on it?
> David

A very good question.

The answer; yes and no.

If I rename the available rescue crunched binary ("[") to "rescue", I can 
start it and it shows me all the available commands. Some commands work:


airport-tc# ./rescue

Usage: rescue <prog> <args> ..., where <prog> is one of:
 cat chio chmod cp csh -csh date dd df domainname echo ed expr hostname kill
 ksh -ksh ln ls mkdir mt mv pax tar ps pwd rcmd rcp rm rmdir sh -sh sleep 
 sync test [ atactl badsect brconfig ccdconfig chown chgrp clri disklabel 
 dmesg dump rdump dump_lfs rdump_lfs fdisk fsck fsck_ext2fs fsck_ffs 
 fsck_msdos fsdb fsirand gpt ifconfig init init.bak lmcconfig mbrlabel mknod
 modload modstat modunload mount mount_ados mount_cd9660 mount_efs 
 mount_fdesc mount_ffs mount_ufs mount_filecore mount_kernfs mount_lfs
 mount_msdos mount_nfs mount_ntfs mount_null mount_overlay mount_procfs
 mount_smbfs mount_tmpfs mount_umap mount_union newfs mount_mfs newfs_lfs
 newfs_msdos ping pppoectl ipppctl raidctl rcorder reboot halt restore 
 rndctl route routed savecore scan_ffs scsictl setkey shutdown slattach 
 swapon sysctl ttyflags tunefs umount wdogctl veriexecctl wsconsctl bzip2
 bunzip2 bzcat ftp grep egrep fgrep zgrep zegrep zfgrep gzip gunzip gzcat 
 kdump ktrace ktruss ekermit less more vi ex chroot dumpfs dumplfs 
 vnconfig tetris lfs_cleanerd ldconfig pdisk ping6 rtsol cgdconfig scp ssh
 slogin ldd rescue

airport-tc# ./rescue ldd rescue
rescue: rescue: not dynamically linked

airport-tc# ./rescue scp
[1]   Bus error               ./rescue scp


See; "ldd" appears to work but "scp" bombs with a bus error.

All very weird since if the kernel is EABI on this TC then rescue should not 
work. It does, somewhat.

Even more confusing.


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