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Re: HOWTO: USB boot on 8 GB RPi4 with no SD card

On Tue, 28 Jul 2020 14:43:14 -0400
Paul Mather <bsd-lists%gromit.dlib.vt.edu@localhost> wrote:

> The April firmware is not recent enough.  You need to change to the
> "stable" channel to get an EEPROM firmware version that will boot
> without the SD card present.  You are using the "critical" channel.
> (See "Changing the firmware release" in
> https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/booteeprom.md)

Thanks, Paul. I'm making progress now. At least it's now looking at my
USB memstick, but it says that start4.elf is not compatible.

pi@raspi4:~/BSD/NetBSD/boot $ sha1sum start4.elf
26d26d9778e192858095c60fca1e3f4d32142fcd  start4.elf

That's what's in

I'm still doing something wrong. Do I need to try to rig up a serial
console so I can capture the boot messages?

Ted Spradley <tsprad%talent-free-studios.com@localhost>

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