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Re: Installing NetBSD on Jetson Nano

On 25/01/2022 09:04, Dan MacDonald wrote:
It seems those u-boot files may not be needed after all.

I tried booting the latest current arm64.img without burning any
u-boot to the sd card but this time with a serial cable attached
and I realised that it does start to boot, it just doesn't bring up
HDMI so I wasn't seeing the boot messages.

I don't get as far as the login prompt tho. I get a kernel panic when
its initiating the PCI it seems:


I've sent this log to Jared McNeil but I'm not sure he even has a Nano
so its looks like we could be out of luck. Despite the existence of
nano u-boot files (which we don't need) Jared has only tested NetBSD
on the Jetson TK1.


    pci enum

from the uboot prompt before it loads / runs  efi/boot/bootaa64.efi


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