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noauto doesn't help skip fsck at boot time?

I have RPI 3B with following uname:

# uname -a
NetBSD pinas 9.1_STABLE NetBSD 9.1_STABLE (GENERIC) #0: Tue Nov 10
11:45:35 UTC 2020
mkrepro%mkrepro.NetBSD.org@localhost:/usr/src/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/GENERIC evbarm

It has a couple of usb sticks and one usb hard disk attached. For some
reason when it is power cycled, the boot process gets stuck at fsck of one
or more of these disks, dropping to shell prompt.

Tried adding 'noauto' in fstab for these disks, but fsck still seems to
run on these disks. Commenting the fstab entries of these usb disks is the
only way to get it to boot.

Isn't noauto supposed to skip fsck altogether. If not is there any other
flag for the same?


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