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re: comments on installation instructions

> I did find that once it was pointed out.  But it's not in /etc/rc.d on
> my netbsd-9 RPI3.
> I find it a bit odd to have the install image have rc.d content that the
> standard system does not.  Certainly it's fair to add creds_msdos=YES to
> the rc.conf on the image and have it off by default.

it's some what dangerous (in that it edits passwd etc), so it was
never considered part of the normal installation.  it shouldn't be
any worse, but there's no real reason to include it as it's only
to solve the problem of setup of eg arm64.img before it boots, so
you can access the system remotely, safely.

that isn't going to change as anything it does can be performed
from an already installed (and running) system.

the first paragraph tries to explain this.  if it's not clear to
you, perhaps you can suggest edits?

> The man page says "found on the MSDOS partition of a bootable image" but
> I at first thought it might mean "found in /boot/creds.txt when the rc.d
> scripts (after mountall) run", because FILES says /boot/creds.txt.
> Reading the script, I see what it's doing, but I didn't figure that out
> from the man page.

the manual could explain what $creds_msdos_partition is and use
that in FILES, instead of the default.  would that make it clear 
to you?

> The synopsis implies a script in bin or sbin, but it isn't.   I would
> suggest changing the man page to say /etc/rc.d/creds_msdos in the
> synopsis.

it literally says it's an rc.d script the first line of the
description.  i don't understand this part.


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