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Re: MNT Reform2 (i.mx8mq), update

Mouse wrote:
The next line is splsched(), and the printf after that is never

cc -E should, among other things, tell you exactly which filenames
are involved in the compile [...]

Thanks! That helped me track down splsched().

The path was something like

splsched() calls splraiseipl() with some parameter which calls
_splraise() which lives in sys/arch/arm/pic/pic_splfuncs.c for arm.

This make sense as what I gathered the interrupt blocking code needs to
be specific for the processor architecture.

_splraise() then calls pic_set_priority() which seems to be a wrapper
around a callback set in pic_list, and then I lost the trail again.

A little grepping seems to indicate that pic_list is configured in one
of the arm architecture subdirectories.

These callback configurations are using the names "softc", so I assume
the "board" used is detected using something similar to the device
probing system, so going to try to printf that. Not that I know what I
would do once I get that far.

Thanks again. This is probably bleedingly obvious, but I am here sans
clue and no idea where to get one apart from RTSL which from my point of
view seems a bit mean.


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