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Re: USB audio on rasberry pi 2

netbsd-lists%protonmail.com@localhost (satch) writes:

>During playback many log lines are produced saying 'uaudio0: pintr error: I=
>This is with the NetBSD 10 earmv7hf GENERIC kernel.

>user@host:~ % audiocfg list
>0: [*] audio0 @ uaudio0: USB audio
>       playback: 2ch, 48000Hz
>       record:   1ch, 48000Hz
>       (-R) slinear_le 16/16, 1ch, { 8000, 16000, 44100, 48000 }
>       (P-) slinear_le 16/16, 2ch, { 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, 48000 }

I see similar problems, but only when trying to play with 48kHz.
The command:

  audiocfg set 0 p slinear_le 16 2 44100

switches the output to 44.1kHz and then it plays without distortion.

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