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Re: Raspberry PI information

Later under "RPI4 xhci" is mentioned
  One workaround is to switch to UEFI, but that leads to a 3GB
  memory limit and needing a monitor.
Is this still accurate?  Is it impossible to use a serial console
when booting using the UEFI boot image?  And is the 3GB memory
limit still a thing?  Makes it kind of pointless to try to run on
an 8GB RPI5, no?

The 3GB issue is a hardware flaw of the RPI4. Setting the UEFI
limit was an early crude workaround. It shouldn't be required

I confirm my RPi4 runs perfectly with 8 GB RAM with UEFI v1.38 (3GB limit disabled). Avoid v1.39, at least it did not work for me.


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