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Re: Raspberry PI information

Havard Eidnes <he%NetBSD.org@localhost> writes:

>>> Surely, we can do better to make it easier to figure out this
>>> stuff for new and prospective users?
>>> Sorry for this being a bit negative; I'm willing to work with
>>> whoever is able to provide me with accurate information in this
>>> area.
>> Feel free to do better!
> I'm willing to do the required text editing.
> However, I do not have the required facts to do the editing, so
> the questions and clarifications I posted are genuine "I do not
> know" points (remember: I do not yet own any RPI hardware), and I
> therefore need to have someone "in the know" to sparr with to
> feed me the required information.  I foresee there will need to
> be a number of "back and forth" on the matter, as my list was not
> exhaustive with respect to the points I think should be
> clarified.

Indeed.  I have done a fairly large part of the editing lately, from the
same sort of "not being the expert" position.  Thus there is a lot of
text that may no longer be correct due to improvements, and notes about
what should be figured out.

Lately I've been doing less of this, basically feeling that if I ask for
help and get it, that it's only fair that I put the new clues in the

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