Subject: Another one...
To: None <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-arm26
Date: 04/27/2000 01:28:41
Greetings !
I just want to announce, that another one has joined this list - I have
a heavily expanded A5k ( 8MB RAM from Simtec, ANT Ether3, Castle SCSI,
33MHz processor ) with german RiscOS 3.19 where I will very soon try
NetBSD on. ArmLinux isn't an option for me since the development for the
A5k line seems to have died away some years ago. I even trashed my PC
Linux in favour of NetBSD because I got tired of having to port any
program twice - one for my hp300/NetBSD, one for Linux. There is no
Linux for the HP so the choice was easy. ( btw. the hardware support for
my system is still better than under Linux... )
OK, enough said - I volunteer to test any new kernel / driver that may
run on my machine.