Subject: Re: New snapshot (20000505)
To: None <>
From: Leo Smiers <>
List: port-arm26
Date: 07/26/2000 20:05:58
In <URL:news:local.port-arm26> on Wed 26 Jul, Ben Harris wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Leo Smiers wrote:
> > It seems you have added the implementation of strtoul() in some other file.
> > Could you tell me which file?
> Erm, it's in sys/lib/libkern/strtoul.c, but the file you need to update is
> sys/lib/libkern/arch/arm26/ (need at least version 1.2), which
> tells the system that arm26 kernels might use strtoul now.
This fixed it. I can now boot the kernel using the ether3. It performs the
same as the Ether1 card. That is I have the same problem with the Ether3
as with the Ether1 card running the kernel (see below). Unfortunatly I
can not make any other comparisons between the drivers 8-(.
> For those who are curious, the reason I use this is to enable me to read
> the Ethernet address out of the card description in ROM. This saves
> having to load the RISC OS driver for the card before booting NetBSD. If
> anyone's got an Ether3 that doesn't have its Ethernet address in its
> description, I may need to do something cleverer.
> > I am still having problems running the kernel. I think this has something
> > todo with the amount of RAM that is available. I have built a kernel with
> > a text segment of only 795636 bytes. This kernel sometimes manages to
> > enter single user mode. Then a can give a small command like pwd, but a
> > larger command like ls failes trying to make a core dump. This will also
> > terminate the single user sh and enter the kdb.
> Hmm. I must get a 4Mb machine working usefully. I think I shall move my
> Ether3 into my 440/1 this weekend and see if I can get that running.
Even a kernel with only a text segment of 805760 bytes failes to run.
Leo Smiers
System specialist FB/SP bv Nederland Haarlem
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