Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD/arm26 from a hard drive
To: Ben Harris <>
From: Ian Fry <>
List: port-arm26
Date: 06/08/2001 12:51:58
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:42:41PM +0100, Ben Harris wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Ian Fry wrote:
> > Once I get that far, I'd like to get the machine to boot from it's
> > internal disk, can I use a mixed RISC OS and NetBSD setup, or would I
> > have to dedicate the disk to NetBSD?
> It should be possible to split it, though I've never got that far. You
> basically tell HFORM the disc is smaller than it is, then get NetBSD to use
> the rest. If you can find the arm32 prep.RISCOS file, that explains the
> process in more detail.
That's what I was going to try. IIRC, you run bb_riscbsd after using HForm to
setup the RISC OS side.