Subject: Re: Misc Questions
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/25/1996 18:18:44
>This also happens to me from time to time on my 1GB drive connected to a
>Cumana SCSI-II card, so this problems is not at all restricted to the
>Powertec card. The drive is shared between Risc OS and RiscBSD.
>OTOH, other people say it has never happened to them and I really can't
>track down when it happens.
>By the way, any chance that the Cumana driver will get faster in the
>nearer future?
I'll ask scott about this. I have not used much SCSI myself so I have not
noticed any problem.
Mark Brinicombe
Research Associate
Department of Physics tel: 0171 873 2894
King's College London fax: 0171 873 2716