Subject: Re: two questions..
To: Robert Black <>
From: Nuts <ee93mmt@BRUNEL.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/28/1996 20:53:32
> On Jun 27,  4:22pm, Jan-Uwe Finck wrote:
> > Subject: two questions..
> > Hi again (yep it's me again..)
> >
> > 1. : why the heck does the cursor after logging in at terminal 0 always
> > jump to the middle of the screen ? anybody cured this ? or did I forget
> > to install a patch ??

This is because vt100 terminals have _25_ lines and this is hard coded
into the termcap.  We choose to run on a console with more than 25 lines
and thus face the consequences.  The tset will move the cursor to the
'bottom' of the perceived screen size.  Delete the tset from your
.profile or .cshrc.  If nothing else, it's annoying.

Melvin Tang-Richardson: - RiscBSD UNIX for the RiscPC
           "A lot of us choose to resist temptation and suffer in silence."