Subject: A few questions
To: RiscBSD mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Reuben Thomas <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/29/1996 00:11:47
I've created a user called rrt, given him a home directory /home/rrt, and
put the .cshrc, .login and .profile files in it from /root. I've set the
shell to csh, and yet when I log in I get the default /etc/csh.cshrc
PATH. What am I doing wrong? At the moment I can't even use more &c.
I boot RiscBSD in 1280x1024x256, but the saved line in fastboot says
X1024 Y768. Why? Also, is it possible to get the display to line up
properly without fiddling with the monitor controls? I've set the correct
monitor type (AKF85) &c., but the display comes up too wide, though the
RISC OS display is fine. Similarly, 1024x768 comes up too narrow and too
far to the right.
Thanks to everyone for the answers to my previous questions; I've now got
X up and running. Is it possible to get a vertical scrollbar on xterm to
view what's gone before?
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