Subject: Re: odds n'ends.
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/03/1996 17:46:00
>Two questions and a small note...
>o	now that there's atapi cdrom support ... (can see this coming
>	a mile off :-) ...what's the major no. and format of minor

major is 20
minor is (drive * 8) | (partition % 8)
Only the a and c partitions are valid on the cdrom and both refer to the whole

mknod /dev/acd0a b 20 0
mknod /dev/acd0c b 20 2
mknod /dev/racd0a c 20 0
mknod /dev/racd0c c 20 2

>o	are we any closer to having gdb? :-(
Erm perhaps a little, I'll have to ask Frank.

>Small note -- whilst meandering thru this month's Unix Review... it seems
>that the rather good Design and Implementation of 4.3BSD has been redone
>for 4.4. Apparently details are at..
>ISBN 0-201-54979-4.

I think I can safely say that the whole kernel team consider the Design and
Implementation of 4.4BSD to be essential reading ;-)

For people who want to know something about the internals and how things are
structured I would recomend it.

A warm fire, a cup of hot chocolate and the 4.4 book, what more do you need for
a great evening in ? ;-)


Mark Brinicombe
Research Associate
Department of Physics			tel: 0171 873 2894
King's College London			fax: 0171 873 2716