Subject: Re: Creating users
To: Neil A Carson <neil@IVISION.CO.UK>
From: Aidan Corey <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/05/1996 03:30:54
Neil A Carson wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jul 1996, Alex McLintock wrote:
> > As a start how about an idiots guide to creating users. Don't say "use vipw" 
> > because it didn't seem to work properly for me. There are a multitude of 
> > passwd files and master passwd files without any idea which is the correct 
> > one.
> I don't think this really needs to go into 'RiscBSD' or even 'NetBSD'
> documentation. It's a generic 4.4BSD question. There are hordes of books
> on the subject in places like Blackwells. I think people's time might be
> better spent writing RiscBSD or NetBSD specific documentation, eg.
> installation guides, rcm guides, etc.

Surely an rcm guide would include user creation?  The simplest
procedure seems to be

1) Use rcm to create user
2) Create and populate user's home dir

rcm should probably do step 2 for you, using the skeleton files
located somewhere in /usr/share.
