Subject: Re: /netbsd missing
To: Marcus Singer <100677.1322@COMPUSERVE.COM>
From: Alex McLintock <Alex.McLintock@CHADWYCK.CO.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/11/1996 12:54:31
> during booting my system I always get some errormessages like
> kvm_mkdb: /netbsd: No such file or directory
I get similar messages too. Let me make a guess.
We upgraded the kernel main file, but failed to perform some
initialisation so that the support files are consistant with the
kernel. The most common symptom of this is everyone asking where
"/dev/vidcvideo" is.
Another related possibility is that we didn't run the configure
utility which gets put on the boot floppy. I shall try that this
evening. Does the boot floppy have to be for the same kernal version
as the one on the hard disk?