Subject: Re: More news: RiscBSD documentation
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/11/1996 13:10:23
On Jul 11, 10:54am, Neil A Carson wrote:
> Subject: More news: RiscBSD documentation
> I think to get RiscBSD going this lot will do fine; I don't have time to
> do much other than overhaul the FAQ (a faster FPE is coming soon, though
> only about a 30% increase...), so most of the writing is left to other
> people. I don't care where the documentation comes from (Linux (well
> maybe), etc.) as long as it does the job, and isn't copyrighted.
Just a word on copyright. Under British (or at least English) law *everything*
(at least in the context of documentation) is copyright regardless of whether
or not that copyright is asserted. In the light of that it is always wise to
get the permission of the author unless there is an explicit copyright notice
permitting copying (in which case that copyright notice should be included).
The RiscBSD documentation will be 'published' in Britain so I'm pretty sure
that we need to comply with British law as a minimum.
PS That is a good reason to put a copyright notice on any documentation you
write giving the redistribution conditions (or maybe we should come up with a
generic copyright notice and list the contributors - for those who agree to it)
because otherwise people can't know that they are safe in redistributing it. In
fact that is one reason I put a copyright notice on the original FAQ.