Subject: new bootloader-probs
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jan-Uwe Finck <jan-uwe.finck@KOMMSRV.RZ.UNIBW-MUENCHEN.DE>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/18/1996 18:06:07
I'm in trouble with the new sets (1.2) and the new bootloader..
When trying to boot the screen becomes black and...
stays black..
I try to boot in 1024x768 c256 and 70 Hz...
and have 2 MB VRam...what is entered in the bootloader..
my ehbug is entered and the kernel bsd-4444 is loaded..
But I just wonder why the screen stays black..and nothing
can be seen...