Subject: Compiling a new kernel?!
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Frederic AIDOUNI <aidounif@SPEEDY.GROLIER.FR>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/30/1996 21:27:40
Hi folks!
I've downoaded the sys.tar.gz file on the ftp site, and following the
instructions in the config_guide not the patches.
Uncrunching, cd /usr/sys/src/arch/arm32/conf, config GENERIC (to look how it
works!)..... and.... lots of error (errors only, in fact....).
What's the matter???? Thanx in advance!
PS. Does the AmigaDOS FS works???
.. I wrote my own benchmark, my machine now runs at 500MHz