Subject: Re: setting up ppp connection
To: Gardar Runolfsson <gardar@GRUN.IS>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/30/1996 13:37:47
>>>>> > == gardar@GRUN.IS (Gardar Runolfsson) wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to establish a ppp connection with riscbsd.
I use this script:
/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty00 57600 connect '/usr/sbin/chat "" AT OK <TELNR> CONNECT "" ame: <NAME> word: <PASSWD> ">" ppp' crtscts defaultroute noipdefault
Terms in <> have to be replaced by your own values.
This script works the following way:
send AT
wait for OK
send <TELNR>
wait for CONNECT
... and so on,
I have no problems with it.
Ciao, Peter
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