Subject: Re: Compiling a new kernel?!
To: RiscBSD mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/02/1996 15:22:38
On Thu, 1 Aug 1996, Ale Terlevich wrote:
> > the core team of NetBSD). I hope that Mark will find some time to
> > check the latest changes in soon.
> I was under the impression that only bugfixes would be checked in until
> NetBSD 1.2 is finally released, then NetBSD-current will continue as
> before with all of the latest goodies :)
It's NetBSD-*current*, isn't it?
Anyway, may I quote Mark to clarify this:
MB> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 12:45:05 +0100
MB> The source for the 4444 kernel will be checked into NetBSD-current
MB> shortly.
MB> As for the 1.2 release kernel, technically if should be the kernel source
MB> frozen with the NetBSD 1.2 source. This will be the base kernel for
MB> the 1.2 release.
> Wasn't there some problem with X under these new kernels anyway?
Well, I use bsd-4444 together with Xarm18a and don't really have that much
problems. In fact, it often works flawlessly.
You get some error messages at startup, but that's it.
I didn't check recently if the menus of Athena-based programs always don't
work, though. I remember that I had problems with that, but I can't remember
offhand when they first showed up. There has always been the problem that
didn't work occasionally, and with always I mean from the time RiscBSD
became first available.