Subject: oddities
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rogier Carper <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/08/1996 23:45:00
I'm experiencing some oddities with my ATAPI CDROM.
I use the BSD-4444 kernel as can be seen below
albion /netbsd: NetBSD 1.2A (PROTAGONIST) #0: Mon Jul 15 10:50:13 BST 1996
albion /netbsd: mark@voyager:/usr/src/sys/arch/arm32/compile/PROTAGONIST
albion /netbsd: screen: 1024 x 768 x 100
albion /netbsd: real mem = 33554432 (8192 pages)
albion /netbsd: avail mem = 28729344 (7014 pages)
albion /netbsd: using 435 buffers containing 1781760 bytes of memory
albion /netbsd: mainbus0 (root)
albion /netbsd: cpu0 at mainbus0: ARM610 rev 4 IDC enabled WB enabled LABT
albion /netbsd: fpe0 at cpu0: Advanced RISC Machines floating point emulator
albion /netbsd: fpe0: no hardware found
albion /netbsd: iomd0 at mainbus0: RPC IOMD
albion /netbsd: iomd0: DRAM refresh=16us, dma cycle types=DDDD, combo cycle
This is very odd. The CDROM is detected and can be used in the system, but
what does atapi_exec_cmd failed mean. And what is phase 1?
BTW: When I try 'devices' in the kshell, the atapibus and the acd0 are marked
The CDROM I use is a Philips PCA52CR (5 speed ATAPI CDROM).
albion /netbsd: atapibus0 at wdc0
albion /netbsd: atapibus0 drive1: <655A, , 5.2D> cdrom, removable.
albion /netbsd: acd0 at atapibus0 drive 1: wdc_atapi_intr: unknown phase 1
albion /netbsd: wdc_atapi_intr: unknown phase 1
albion /netbsd: wdc_atapi_intr: unknown phase 1
albion /netbsd: atapi_exec_cmd failed
And I have received some clarifying information from I-Cubed. The
specification from Acorn which I qouted here some time ago is faulty.
According to I-Cubed, the MAC-address needs to be deducted from the Network
card's ROMimage.
albion /netbsd: netslot0 at podulebus0 : I-Cubed : etherlan 600 network
slot interface
albion /netbsd: eh0 at podulebus0 [ netslot 0 ]: address 00:00:a4:10:1b:7b
pio mode
The base address of Acorn can't be 00:00:a4:10. I assume they are mistaken by
2 zero's. So the address would come out like: 00:a4:10:xx:xx:xx where the
xx's are the last 24 bits of your machine ID.
Anyway. This method of obtaining a MAC address is very dodgy. According to
IEEE the MAC address is something belonging to a network card, not to a
just my 2p worth,
Rogier Carper
Student of Computer Engineering
Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Enschede PolyTechnic, The Netherlands