Subject: PD drive (was Re: Unsuccessful attempt on 1.2...)
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Phil Radden <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/12/1996 01:03:23
On Sun 11 Aug, Kim G. S. yhus wrote:
> [mucho snips]
> I dont have a HD on my
> cumana scsi card. I have an optical PD instead. This makes the
> boot sequence crash. Programming like that sucks.
With only a reasonable amount of fiddling I managed to get RiscBSD working
on Cumana SCSI II and PD drive (1.1+X16, not 1.2beta) - except unixfs which
resolutely refuses to write to anywhere without crashing the machine...
But the main thing about it is that it is SLOW. Very. Even in 8Mb you are
better off with no swap than swap on the PD, which is fair enough given the
PD write-speed...
But, IIRC, reading speed is comparable to HD, although seek/write is much
slower. Despite this, during startup etc. the system often freezes for
extensive disk activity when it should only be reading/minimal seeking (due
to optimisation). Is this a lost cause, or can I improve anything?
Obviously I'm saving for a SCSI HD... :)
ObSillyQuestion: Support for RiscTV? ;)
Phil Radden -*- Trinity College, Cambridge -*-