Subject: on a positive note
To: RiscBSD mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bevis Peters <bevis@APG.PH.UCL.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/13/1996 13:12:27
I thought that the BSD team might like to know that my setup (old RPC 600
with 20Mb RAM, 2Mb VRAM, Conner IDE 420Mb with 400Mb for RBSD) has worked
fine with Xarm18 and Kernel #4163 and the beta 1.0 sets since I installed it
all months ago. I can run a variety of hard working processes concurrently
with X (including an LP MUD) and it hardly ever crashes (3 or 4 times since
installation). The whole setup appears robust (and the floppies work fine),
and so I've not bothered to update kernels (is there any gain in doing so?).
I also managed to install it with no real problems at all.
Just so you know that some of us are having real success with it all.
Though with 6Mb RAM it did fail all the time ... but no surprises there.

	  _=~~=_	Bevis Peters
	 {      }
	 {      }	Since I gave up hope, I feel much better.
	  ~=__=~	APL has so few views, mine might as well be them.