Subject: Re: SCSI vs IDE for RiscBSD
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Neil Hoggarth <neil.hoggarth@PHYSIOL.OX.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/13/1996 17:01:41
On Tue, 13 Aug 1996, Stuart Bell wrote:

> The problem with IDE drives on the Risc PC isn't the speed that they can
> deliver, nor the speed of the RPC bus, but, of course, the speed of the
> on-board IDE interface. The Yellowstone RapIDE i/face is now 140ukp inc VAT,
> but is it supported by RiscBSD?

The FAQ says that it isn't, and that it isn't likely to be in the near
future as (i) they will not lend one to the kernal team and (ii)
technical details on how to drive it are only available at a price,
and possibly only under the terms of a non-disclosure agreement (which
would complicate things by precluding the release of the source code
to any driver which the kernel team write for it).


Neil Hoggarth                                 Departmental Computer Officer
<>                   Laboratory of Physiology                     Oxford University, UK