Subject: EDO-RAM in RiscPC's (fwd)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robin Watts <Robin.Watts@COMLAB.OX.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/26/1996 13:48:51
In some randomly numbered message, Marcus Deubel said:
:Does anybody have experience with EDO-RAM and RiscBSD? The 32 MBytes 
:EDO-RAM PS/2 Simms are much cheaper than the normal 32 MBytes PS/2 simms 
:without parity.

Either you or I are looking at the wrong suppliers then :-)

EDO RAM is typically a couple of quid more expensive than the normal

 So is it possible to run 
:1. a Risc PC with EDO-RAM?

No. Definately not. The new ARMs with the "E" suffix know how to drive
it, but not current generations.

Because there's one thing, I know                                   Robin Watts
I'd like to live long enough to savour.
Thats when they finally put you in the ground,
I'll stand on your grave, and tramp the dirt down.