Subject: Re: Installing 1.2-beta
To: None <>
From: s.wilkinson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/27/1996 12:20:31
> In message <> (Kjetil Bernhard Thomassen) writes:
> > > : whoami: not found
> > > : inst should be run as root
> >
> > The whoami program is not installed in the boot file system.
> Thanks to everyone who helped me out with this one.
> > > - at 1024x768 the screen is a mass of moving lines (illegible)
> >
> > Probably your monitor is not able to cope with the RiscBSD resolution.
> I am able to use 1024x768 for RISC OS.... it's a standard AKF60 monitor.
> Somebody has mentioned that I should copy the MDF from RISC OS, but I have
> no idea where I should put it!
> --
> David Croft
I have spent an evening at last successfully installing the the 1.2 Beta
distribution. All that remains is to figure out how I want it configured.
I am installing to a RPC700 850MB HD with 24MB DRAM 2MB VRAM and a second
removable 850 MB IDE Hard Drive with a 425MB partition for RiscBSD. I am
using an AKF60 monitor.
On the first attempt I got the same problem with the display as you seem to
have. It was sorted by changing the display definition slightly in the
bootstapper program.
Initially the screen mode definition contains : X1024 Y768 C256 F70
I found that by altering the frequency definition to F60 the problem went away
and the display is perfectly stable on an AKF60 monitor.
Steve Wilkinson
Dept. of BioMedical Physics
Aberdeen University