Subject: Re: PD drive under RiscBSD
To: Markus Baeurle <>
From: Scott Stevens <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/03/1996 11:01:56
Markus Baeurle writes:
 > Hello all!
 > I remember somebody mentioned problems with this drive under RiscBSD.
 > Do these problems persist? What exactly are the problems?

I've not seen any problems. It's very slow, mainly due to the cumana
driver but partly due to the fact that the slow seek media isn't
really cut out for an ffs file system.

 > Speculation: The drive has two LUNs, one for managing PD media and one for
 > reading CDROMs. Maybe that's the problem? But this can be switched off (MAC
 > mode), has this been tried?

Yup. Each LUN is probe individually one is attached to sd? the other
to cd?

 > I hope somebody can shed light on this.

I hope this helps.

Cheers Scott

PS The RiscOS generic SCSI-2 CDROM driver from Eesox is about 30 UKP

Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
KRYTEN: And there are no others who've shared moments of intimacy with
LISTER: Only one. But she's got a puncture.       - Justice, Red Dwarf IV