Subject: Kernel bug (when switching v-consoles)?
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/07/1996 18:13:57
Got this... notes in [[ here ]]
data_abort: ALert! proc(f012c820), curproc(00000000)
Stack limit exceeded 0000a1ff 00000080
nogo1, Data abort: Translation fault (section) Status = 005 address = e59ff018 PC = f001b118
f001b118: @0qe : e5913000 : LDR r3,[r1,#0x0000]
section fault in SVC mode
vm_fault (f012c750, e59ff000, 3, 0) -> 5
process = 00000000 pid = -267409504 comm =
CPSR = 60000013 Trace back info
fp -> lr = f00fcbfc fp -> pc = f010ac30
TrapFrame PC = f001b118
Trapframe SPSR = 80000013
panic: Fault cannot be handled
stopped at _debugger +0x10 : ldmb r11, {r11, r13, r15}
db> data_abort: ALert! proc(f012c820), curproc(00000000) [[At this point I switched v-console and back again]]
Stack limit exceeded 0000a1ff 00000080
nogo1, Data abort: Translation fault (section) Status = 005 address = e59ff018 PC = f001b118
f001b118: @0qe : e5913000 : LDR r3,[r1,#0x0000]
section fault in SVC mode
vm_fault (f012c750, e59ff000, 3, 0) -> 5
process = 00000000 pid = -267409504 comm =
CPSR = a0000013 Trace back info
fp -> lr = f00fcbfc fp -> pc = f010ac30
TrapFrame PC = f001b118
Trapframe SPSR = 80000013
panic: Fault cannot be handled
stopped at _debugger +0x10 : ldmb r11, {r11, r13, r15}
db> trace
[[I havn't bothered with the (xxx +0x10)'s since all xxx's are the same as the preceding text]]
_Debugger (_Debugger +0x10)
_panic (-panic +0x14)
_data_abort_handler ( +0x10)
_unsleep ( +0x10)
_db_traper [[ This may not be right I can read my scribble it's _db_trap?? ]]
_Debugger (_Debugger +0x10)
_panic (-panic +0x14)
_data_abort_handler ( +0x10)
_unsleep ( +0x10)
_mi_switch [[My writing again _?i_switch could be m/n/v ]]
_space_read [[ ?? ]]
_vm_read [[ or _vn_read ]]
Jasper Wallace-Internet Vision | Caving-Acorn-RiscBSD-Chocolate-Banks-Fish
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