Subject: Re: Before Acorn World what?
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/14/1996 11:50:17
On Oct 11,  9:09pm, Mark Brinicombe wrote:
> Subject: Re: Before Acorn Worldm what?
> Hi,
>   Ok I cannot speak for the rest of the kernel team...
> The 1.2-release is currently accumulating on the ftp site and when all the
> files are in place I will make it publically available.
> The base sets are ready and I am just compiling the rest of RiscBSD.
> Once the release is on the ftp site I will be able to put these
> on a CDROM. SO this will be ready for Acorn World.

As soon as I get my hands on 1.2 I will be recompiling a full X distribution
using the 1.2 libraries, etc. Actually a lot depends on when precisely I get my
hands on the libraries because I am on the verge of moving house so I am
effectively out of action from the 19th to the 27th inclusive.

I am going all-out to get 16bpp X working for the show but it is going to be
tight (I currently have absolutely no idea what is wrong except that X appears
to be managing to pick the colour black out of an all-white palette) and I can
pretty-much guarantee it won't make the CDROM.



PS I have just had it drawn to my attention that if you have an Xserver.xpm
installed then Xarm-24 occasionally seems to scribble all over some vital data
structures during startup. I hadn't noticed this problem because I don't
normally have an Xserver.xpm - I am trying to track the cause at the moment.
Anybody who has not installed an Xserver.xpm file should not be affected.
