Subject: Re: SA & Morley compatibility (was Re: StrongARM comptibility)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/15/1996 16:12:20
>The Morley card is probably one of the most widespread, although obviously
>doesn't mean any of the Kernel team own one. I thought support was planned,
support is planned for if I ever get hold of one of these cards ...
If the kernel team could get a card someone would do a driver.

>Morley cards use one of the following controllers:
>NCR 53C94, Emulux ESP216 or Emulux FAS216 - I assume these are all compatible
>with each-other.
Yep they are functionally the same

>I wonder what controller(s) the Acorn and other cards for which drivers have
>been produced use. Is it worth putting together a list so that we can work out
>which cards drivers could easily be produced for by modifying existing drivers
>for similar cards?

Cumana SCSI2	- FAS216
PowerTec SCSI2	- FAS216
Connect32	- AM53C94
Acorn SCSI1	- WD3393
Oak SCSI1	- NCR5380

The arm32 source tree has generic SCSI drivers for the FAS216, AM53C94, WD3393
and NCR5380. There are then front ends for each different card that manages the
mapping and any special control.

Note: the AM53C94 is pretty much functionally the same as the FAS216 however
there are a few extra features which as being experimented with so the chip
currently has a separate generic driver that may merge with the FAS216 driver
in the future.

What this means is that for a card that uses one of these supported chip sets
getting at least a polling driver up and running is fairly trivialm given the
hardware and the podule memory map.


Mark Brinicombe
Research Associate
Department of Physics			tel: 0171 873 2894
King's College London			fax: 0171 873 2716