Subject: Re: unixfs and Connect32
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/16/1996 10:22:14
> Check the swi base. The format of the device identifier give to
> unixfs_mount is
> (swibase & ~0x3f) | (drive << 3) | partition
I guess people have had better things to do than implement sensible
command line arguments for unixfs_mount, e.g.
unixfs_mount SCSI 4 <whatever>
Not that I've had time to install RiscBSD yet anyway, but I was
worried that the current scheme would not allow access to my SCSI card
(Oak) because SCSI_DiscOp was not on a SWI chunk boundary. But then I
found the SCSIFS module whose SWIs indirect through the SCSI ones, and
SCSIFS_DiscOp is on a SWI chunk boundary IIRC, so it's probably all
right after all.
Colin Hogben