Subject: Set description file
To: None <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/04/1996 18:46:20
here are some suggestions for new tags for the set files:
author: <who has originally written it, e-mail address>
only for information
portby: <who has ported it, e-mail address>
only for information
exec: <this line will be executed by /bin/sh -c>
mostly needed by some self installing tcl/tk programs or for automatic
registration via email after installation or ..., ...
ldesc: <additional description e.g. for installation>
place for some installation informations for programs which need some
additional configuration
ftpsite: <the complete path to retrieve the set in the following form:
this could be used to check whether the local or the remote set is
newer. If the one on the ftp site is newer a automatic download will
be performed before installing the set.
These informations might be usefull for e.g. a X-based installation program.
Does anyone still develop one ?
It could be implemented in tcl/tk or in C with SUIT as toolkit.
Ciao, Peter
_____ _ ____ _____ _____
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