Subject: Re: RE: Set description file
To: Hunter, James M YORK,IT <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/08/1996 18:34:19
> amit wrote:

> To do a terminal based proggy is quite easy, doing it in X will be more about
> coding the interface. If you use a nice design tool then you could get 
> something
> working fairly quickly.
> Just out of interest - what X toolkits are avaliable under RiscBSD for 
> designing
> interfaces. 

pure toolkits: Xaw, Xaw3d, Tk

With GUI designer I only knew SUIT. It is a toolkit with integrated(!) 
interactive GUI editor/builder.
If everything is done you only need to recompile it.

> I've only used XDesigner which I think only works with motif and I
> can't afford the licence for that (poor student and the like).

If you want write applications yourself, take SUIT.

SUIT was compiled for RiscBSD by me, but only for v1.1. (Makes this a 
diffrence, Rob ?)
This and the strange licence agreements they have are the reason why it isn't 
yet on the FTP site.
You may not redistribute SUIT but you may distribute applications linked with, 
but you must not sell them.

Ciao, Peter

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