Subject: Re: Benchmarks
To: Peter Berg <>
From: Ale Terlevich <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/10/1996 16:47:58
Did you use the same cc opts as me?
( OPTON = -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions)
It seems quite amazing that some of the tests on the SA110 are almost
half the speed, and how can the Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places be
2.5 times quicker on the Arm7? I would have assumed this to be a purely
computational thing (Like Dhrystone and Arithmetic test) and so be
quicker on the SA
Also, I don't believe my results for FileRead. I'm running on the
internal 420Mb IDE and 65MB per sec seems a bit much! Dunno why this
should produce such weird results!
Here's a side by side comparison of the two systems.
Arm7/40 SA110/200
Dhrystone 2 without register variables 36206.4 lps 274423.3 lps
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 36093.8 lps 284374.2 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) 74558.9 lps 482663.2 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = register) 7430.3 lps 43931.9 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = short) 6786.4 lps 39602.5 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = int) 7431.0 lps 39602.5 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = long) 7351.4 lps 44035.6 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = float) 106.6 lps 843.4 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = double) 106.9 lps 811.8 lps
System Call Overhead Test 8172.5 lps 60823.9 lps
Pipe Throughput Test 1366.3 lps 8547.0 lps
Pipe-based Context Switching Test 644.8 lps 372.2 lps
Process Creation Test 47.0 lps 16.4 lps
Execl Throughput Test 50.7 lps 16.6 lps
File Read (10 seconds) 10210.0 KBps 65855.0 KBps
File Write (10 seconds) 600.0 KBps 600.0 KBps
File Copy (10 seconds) 426.0 KBps 461.0 KBps
File Read (30 seconds) 12351.0 KBps 64031.0 KBps
File Write (30 seconds) 400.0 KBps 466.0 KBps
File Copy (30 seconds) 520.0 KBps 676.0 KBps
C Compiler Test 16.3 lpm 13.9 lpm
Shell scripts (1 concurrent) 31.6 lpm 23.3 lpm
Shell scripts (2 concurrent) 13.0 lpm 10.3 lpm
Shell scripts (4 concurrent) 6.0 lpm 4.0 lpm
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) 2.6 lpm 1.0 lpm
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places 1234.6 lpm 462.1 lpm
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi 584.2 lps 4471.7 lps