Subject: RE: Set description file
To: Markus Baeurle <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/13/1996 21:09:39
> Hello Peter!

> > > It might be worth to take a look at FreeBSD's pkg_manage.
> > 
> > I don't think this is necessary, because they do nothing else then 'our' inst 
> > program does.
> > Just on a other way, I think.
> And why do you want to rewrite the whole thing although there already is one,
> freely available under BSD licence???

If you are not the only one who says that this is absolutely needed, I can 
take a look
at it. I have the complete FreeBSD sources on my system and it should not be 
complicated to port the PKG_packages. (in fact I tried it some time before, 
but decided
to stop this because we have the inst script).

If we *all* want to change to pkg_*, then I try to port it.

Ciao, Peter

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