Subject: problems...
To: Multiple recipients of list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wolflord <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/14/1996 03:20:48
I've just installed RiscBSD 1.2 - release off the ftp site. Transfered the
lot to a Zip disc at Uni, took it home and went to install it.

I have: RiscPC710, 8+32Mb DRAM, 2Mb VRAM, 810Mb Conner IDE which BSD is
going onto seeing as I couldn't get the 540Mb drive working with !HForm

Backup up OK, ran !HForm and re-partitioned the drive - no problems
Did the bsd bootdisc, and ran !BtRiscBSD, everything is going great,
writes the disclabels no problems and I finish before installing the sets.

Quit back to the shell, create a world writeable directory in /usr for the
set files.
halt the system, back to RiscOS, ran unixfs no problems - hurrah - at last

transfered all the sets across, and rebooted to install the sets.

While the sets were installing I got these errors, just after the message:
'Creating special files in /dev' during the base installation I think.
then the errors:
pmap_enter: Vefc00000 Plc741000 in pmap Vf14f7384 prot 00000007 wired=1
pmap_enter: V0006c000 Plc741000 in pmap Vf1531284 prot 00000007 wired=0
pmap_enter: Vefbfd000 Plc741000 in pmap Vf14fbf84 prot 00000007 wired=0

At first I ignored them as it was merrily installing the sets (I chose to
install 'all' the sets)

finished this, used Configure to set up other stuff, and rcm to create a
user. rebooted into multi-user, everything seems to be going fine except I
get more pmap_enter..... errors and quite a few errors about inodes.

As usual it only seems to be during disc-access. 

I am using kernel 'bsd-4626', and the other hardware that is fitted is:
10x ATAPI CD-ROM which is detected ok, but I've not tested it yet.
A Yellowstone RapIDE32 card which has a 1Gb IDE drive with ADFS on.

After having these errors occur - I don't want to start any work if it is
unstable or I am going to lose files. I lost quite a bit of work when I
was running 1.1 beta - but I expected problems seeing as it was a beta. ;)

I am hoping 1.2-release is more stable - especially with 40Mb memory,
better than the 8+4Mb I ran 1.1-beta using.

Oh. Just tried UnixFS again, it will mount the / and /var single
partition using the 'MountHD4a' file, but it won't mount the /usr
partition using the 'MountHD4e' file anymore.
It gives me the error:
'Error when reading UnixFS:$ - INODE not found' in a dialogue box, and
'cache_read():ufs_bread failed' printed onto the background

Anybody any ideas, or can throw any light on the problems.. 

	Thanks - strange about the 540Mb drive - I've resigned it to a PC

  _    _  _____  __    ____  __    _____  ____  ____ 
 ( \/\/ )(  _  )(  )  ( ___)(  )  (  _  )(  _ \(  _ \   I'll try anything
  )    (  )(_)(  )(__  )__)  )(__  )(_)(  )   / )(_) )  once too often...
 (__/\__)(_____)(____)(__)  (____)(_____)(_)\_)(____/