Subject: Re: problems...
To: Wolflord <>
From: Scott Stevens <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/14/1996 15:22:22 writes:

 > Oh. Just tried UnixFS again, it will mount the / and /var single
 > partition using the 'MountHD4a' file, but it won't mount the /usr
 > partition using the 'MountHD4e' file anymore.
 > It gives me the error:
 > 'Error when reading UnixFS:$ - INODE not found' in a dialogue box, and
 > 'cache_read():ufs_bread failed' printed onto the background
 > Anybody any ideas, or can throw any light on the problems.. 

Well since / works then unixfs is successfully found the disklabel. Is
the /usr partition definitely 'e' ? Are you trying to mount the /usr
partiton on top of the /usr mountpoint in / ? If so then this doesn't
work. Just load unixfs and run mounthd4a.

 > 	Thanks - strange about the 540Mb drive - I've resigned it to a PC
 >   _    _  _____  __    ____  __    _____  ____  ____ 
 >  ( \/\/ )(  _  )(  )  ( ___)(  )  (  _  )(  _ \(  _ \   I'll try anything
 >   )    (  )(_)(  )(__  )__)  )(__  )(_)(  )   / )(_) )  once too often...
 >  (__/\__)(_____)(____)(__)  (____)(_____)(_)\_)(____/ 

Cheers Scott

Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
LISTER: What's so big about being human?
RIMMER: Listy, don't knock it till you've tried it.   - DNA, Red Dwarf IV