Subject: Re: UnixFS bug
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Vincent Lefevre <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/19/1996 17:39:43
Scott Stevens writes:
> OK, this shouldn't happen. Were the 2 characters at the end of the
> file or elsewhere ? Did the filesize stay correct ? Is it reproducible
> ? Has anyone else noticed this ?

The two characters were inside the file (even not near the end). There
were at distance 3 (i.e. other 2 characters between them), but not in
the same 32-bit word. The filesize staid correct. It is not reproducible.


Vincent Lefevre, | Acorn Risc PC, StrongARM @ 202MHz      | 20+1MB RAM, Eagle M2, TV + Teletext
PhD in Computer Science, 1st year     | Apple CD-300, SyQuest 270MB (SCSI)