Subject: Re: Installation problems...
To: Daniel Blueman (5) (CURRICULUM) <>
From: Marcus Deubel <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/21/1996 20:16:09
Hi Daniel,
On Thu, 21 Nov 1996, Daniel Blueman (5) (CURRICULUM) wrote:
> Hi, (in need of help)
> I have just spent the afternoon yesterday backing up and reformating my
> (425MB)
> harddisc with a (250MB) partition for RiscBSD.
> Everything went fine until it came to installing RiscBSD.
> The kernel doesn't recognise the ATAFS on a RapIDE32 interface card in
> my
> RiscPC.
Do you mean the RiscBSD bootloader doesn't recognize or the kernel?
The kernel ar not supposed to recognize the ATAFS because the RapIDE32 is
not currently supported by the kernels.
> ATAFS is a Filecore compliant FS, so that it *should* work with the
> RiscBSD
> kernel (4626, I think), unless of course it uses the ADFS_DiscOp SWIs
> directly,
> but surely it would be much wiser to use the FileCore_DiscOp SWIs as
> they
> pass control to other FS's.
And by the way, RiscBSD is a operating system so it doesn't make any use
of SWI's otherwise it wouldn't be a operating system.
> Does anyone have the same problem, or am I alone?
> Is there any solution other than either recompiling the kernel (which I
> can't do)
> or modifying it directly? (probably close to impossible!)
> One solution is to attach the harddisc to the ADFS IDE connector, but
> that would
> defeat the object of having a EIDE interface.
I think you have to attach your hardisk to the internal IDE connector.
> Any response would be a great help.
> Cheers,
> Daniel Blueman
> (RiscPC600 16MB DRAM 1MB VRAM and a small 425MB Harddisc with a
> RapIDE32 interface and a 4x ATAPI CDROM)