Subject: Which sets do I need from 1.2
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Edward Nevill <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/21/1996 10:00:27
OK. I've just upgraded my 1.1 to the StrongARM kernel from 1.2.

Now the question is should I go through and upgrade all the sets.

Does anyone have any opinions on how reliable the sets are from 1.2.
Also which sets have been significantly enhanced?

Reliability is the most important thing to me as I plan to use the machine
for large scale SW development.  I am quite happy to sacrifice enhanced
functionality for the sake of reliability.

The parts of 1.1 I find most unreliable are X and fvwm, through I don't
know which one to blame. They frequently lock up the machine (no working
CAPS LOCK), especially when I use my Risc PC as a client on another
server (running SunOS 4.1.3). Are these more reliable in 1.2?
What about the latest version of xarm?

The sets I have are

as252 base cc263 comp config cvs etc local man misc shells tcsh x11r6
x11r6man xarm15 xarchie xcontrib xdm xpm fvwm

Your advice greatly appreciated.
