Subject: Re: Which sets do I need from 1.2
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/21/1996 19:06:36
On Nov 21, 10:00am, Edward Nevill wrote:
> Subject: Which sets do I need from 1.2
> OK. I've just upgraded my 1.1 to the StrongARM kernel from 1.2.
> Now the question is should I go through and upgrade all the sets.
> Does anyone have any opinions on how reliable the sets are from 1.2.
> Also which sets have been significantly enhanced?
> Reliability is the most important thing to me as I plan to use the machine
> for large scale SW development. I am quite happy to sacrifice enhanced
> functionality for the sake of reliability.
> The parts of 1.1 I find most unreliable are X and fvwm, through I don't
> know which one to blame. They frequently lock up the machine (no working
> CAPS LOCK), especially when I use my Risc PC as a client on another
> server (running SunOS 4.1.3). Are these more reliable in 1.2?
> What about the latest version of xarm?
They are certainly more reliable. I don't know whether they are reliable enough
for you. The big problem with the 1.1 version of X was that it was compiled
with a somewhat buggy gcc 2.7.0 and important bits got miscompiled. I develop X
under X but I must confess to saving regularly and I trust fvwm about as far as
I can throw it (if you use solid drags it tickles a bug in the machine
independant part of X11R6.1 which I have yet to track down). I use twm myself,
but only because I'm too lazy/busy to compile anything better.
Caps Lock does work on the latest Xarm, but its LED behaves oddly.